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来源:公文范文 时间:2022-10-26 12:10:05 点击: 推荐访问: 作业 作业区 作业展览观后感100字




中图分类号: TP301

文献标志码: A

文章编号: 1007-2683(2018)03-0001-08

Servitization of Job Shop Scheduling Algorithms

LIU Sheng-hui, ZHANG Xing, ZHANG Shu-li, MA Chao

(School of Software, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin 150080, China)

Abstract:The scheduling algorithm resources are not yet fully shared betwwen manufacturing execution system, and it is difficult to efficiently select the appropriate scheduling algorithm for scheduling problem from the candidate scheduling resources. To resolve this issue, the servitization of job shop scheduling algorithm resource in cloud manufacturing was studied. Firstly, an OWL-S-based ontology data model and publication specification of scheduling algorithm resource was given, and then a quantitative matching and recommending method based on weighted multidimensional feature fusion was presented, in order to improve the satisfaction of algorithm service requesters and the economic benefits of algorithm resource providers. Finally, through building a prototype system and using the historical data of Harbin Electrical Machinery Plant as a verification case, the results proved that the data model and recommend algorithm can effectively promote the sharing degree and selection speed of scheduling resources.

Keywords:cloud manufacturing; algorithm; Job Shop Scheduling; ontology; semantics

0 引 言

作業车间调度是制造执行系统(manufacturing execution system, MES)的核心功能之一,其是车间能否在期望的时间内合理利用有限的制造资源完成相应的加工任务的关键,因此,及时准确地作业车间调度对车间生产系统的高效运行有着重要地影响。



1 作业车间调度算法资源共享过程

1.1 计划与调度算法资源的标准化接入

计划与调度算法资源属于制造软资源中的软件类资源,同时计划与调度算法具有与云服务使用者交互性不高的特点,因此适用于采取基于远程调用的方式来实现算法资源的接入。具体的说,可采用Web Service技术实现算法资源的标准化的互联网接入:利用SOAP(simple object access protocol)描述算法资源输入和输出消息的格式,利用WSDL(web services description language)描述如何访问云服务提供者的算法资源接口,利用UDDI(universal description discovery and integration)来管理、分发及查询封装成Web Service的计划与调度算法资源。


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