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来源:公文范文 时间:2022-11-04 12:50:04 点击: 推荐访问: 功用 嬗变 戏曲




Evolution of the Idea of Opera Function in Late Ming Dynasty

WU Yanfa

(School of Literature and Art and Media, Anhui University of Finance and Economics, Bengbu 233030, China)

Key words: the art of drama/opera; Late Ming Dynasty; Literature Carrying Tao; Selfamusement with Literature; philosophy of mind; commercial economy

Abstract: Late Ming opera art completed its evolution on the function idea from literature carrying Tao to selfamusement with literature. The evolution inevitably resulted from the extensively sowing of the philosophy of mind, the prosperity of citizen literature and art, the development of commercial economy, and their interaction with one another. Artistic function concept turned from the earlier extreme attention to the traditional art education function to the later lifting up art aesthetic emotion and attaching the importance to the aesthetic function of arts own characteristics. Thus, Late Ming opera art obtained its prosperity and development. Furthermore, the popularization of opera art entertainment idea showed that traditional utilitarian function of opera art was desalination, while its aesthetic traits of art ontology had been strengthening and highlighting. And this would greatly promote the development of literature and art and eich their characteristics. In the process of evolution, though the enlightenment function of art concept had declined obviously, and even relegated to a secondary position, but as a functional system only involved in the social significance of important aesthetic standard, it would remain one of the important standards of artistic aesthetics and criticism.


西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)第17卷第1期吴衍发 明代戏曲艺术功用观念嬗变论析 隆万之际是晚明艺术的发轫期。自此时期始,在诗歌、戏曲、通俗小说以及绘画、书法等文学和艺术领域广泛存在着一反儒家“中和”之美的审美传统而向着“奇”与“怪”的方面发展的现象。晚明文人操觚染翰,制曲编戏以寄情,“文以自娱”自然也就替代了“文以载道”,从而在观念和实践上完成了由“文以载道”到“文以自娱”的嬗变。



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