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来源:公文范文 时间:2022-11-05 11:10:09 点击: 推荐访问: 体育赛事 体育赛事总体工作方案 体育赛事承办协议书

摘 要:基于全球四大灣区体育赛事发展对比和粤港澳大湾区体育赛事历史脉络的分析,指出当前粤港澳大湾区体育赛事一体化发展的主要问题,提出粤港澳大湾区体育赛事一体化发展战略构想:构建以“形象赛”为引领,以“城市独特印记品牌赛”为标识,以湾区“人文交流赛”和“体育职业联赛”为两翼,以“草根体验赛”为根基的四大赛事层级体系,打造前海体育赛事金融服务示范区、横琴体育赛事创新创意服务示范区和南沙体育赛事服务贸易示范区三大体育赛事示范平台,创建一体化赛事智慧监管服务平台和完善一体化的赛事空间布局。“三地两制”的体育管理体制成为粤港澳大湾区体育赛事一体化发展的藩篱,借鉴港澳成熟的体育管理经验,创新粤港澳大湾区体育赛事供给机制,建立协调有力的粤港澳大湾区体育赛事组织机制,畅通体育赛事服务贸易要素流动机制,强化粤港澳大湾区体育赛事保障机制和加快制定粤港澳大湾区体育赛事实施机制等,必将促使粤港澳大湾区成为中国深化体育体制改革的“试验田”。

关 键 词:体育管理学;体育赛事;一体化发展;粤港澳大湾区

中图分类号:G80-05 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2019)05-0049-07

Abstract: Based on the comparison to the development of sports events in the four major bay areas in the world and the analysis of the historical context of sports events in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau (GHM) Bay Area, authors pointed out major problems in the current development of integration of sports events in the GHM Bay Area, put forward the following strategic conceptions for the development of integration of sports events in the GHM Bay Area: to build a four-sports-event-level system, which bases its guidance on “image events”, its identity on “unique city signature brand events”, its two wings on “cultural exchange events” and “professional sports league events”, and its foundation on “grassroots experience events”; to establish such three major sports event demonstration platforms as Qianhai Sports Event Financial Service Demonstration Zone, Hengqin Sports Event Innovative and Creative Service Demonstration Zone and Nansha Sports Event Service Trade Demonstration Zone; to establish an intelligent integrated event supervision platform and to perfect the integrated sports event space layout. The differences between the “three-region and two-system” sports management systems become the barriers for the development of integration of sports events in the GHM Bay Area; learning from the mature sports management experience of Hong Kong and Macau, innovating on the mechanism of supply of sports events in the GHM Bay Area, establish a coordinated powerful mechanism of organization of sports events in the GHM Bay Area, smoothing the mechanism of flowing of sports event service trade elements, intensifying the mechanism of assurance of sports events in the GHM Bay Area, and expediting the establishment of a mechanism of implementation of sports events in the GHM Bay Area, will certainly promote the GHM Bay Area to become “the experimental field” for China to deepen sports system reform.

Key words: sports management;sports event;development of integration;Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area


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